Custom Amiibo Artist Spotlight: AKShop08 – Round Two!

It has been a while since I have spotlighted a Custom Amiibo Artist and this time I actually want to return to one of the leading artists in the field.  While it has only been a few months since the last article, AKShop08 is still creating incredible new ideas that I think every Nintendo fan should know about.  In this article, I’m going to highlight some of her latest work and provide information for anybody interested in purchasing it.


First up, what are two things that are really popular right now?  How about Deadpool and Pikachu!  AKShop08 has transformed Pikachu into this amazing Marvel and Nintendo mashup!  For me, the serious expression and messy look to the paint really works with Deadpool and makes this figure look pretty awesome!

King K. Rool Custom Amiibo 1

King K. Rool Custom Amiibo 2

Speaking of violence-prone characters, one of my favorite and forgotten villains from Nintendo is King K. Rool!  He is one of the few end bosses I just cannot beat and you certainly learn to fear his crown and respect his rule in Donkey Kong Country.  I don’t think we’ll ever see an Amiibo based on King K. Rool (I’d settle for just seeing him in a Nintendo game again!) and so this is any DKC fan’s dream.  AKShop08 nails King K. Rool’s crazed expression in this figure and you can easily imagine him being in the middle of a fight with Donkey or Diddy Kong!

Charmander Custom Amiibo

With Pokemon Sun and Moon’s release quickly approaching, I think there are some Nintendo fans out there who might like to see more Pokemon figures.  I can’t think of a better candidate than Charizard who is both cute and grows into one of the coolest Pokemon evolutions as well.  This custom Amiibo is really cute and well painted.  I can’t believe that it is made from Pikachu which, while also cute, is one of the more boring Amiibo as far as the pose goes.

Cubone Custom Amiibo

Finally, we have a Pokemon I remember fondly and think would make a cool figure and that is Cubone!  While after all these years, I still don’t understand why he/she wears a skull over his head or where the skull came from, Cubone does have an iconic look in its own way and always stood out as a pretty unique Pokemon to me.  I really like how AKShop handled this figure and her creativity is what makes her work special!

So there you have it.  AKShop08 continues to amaze us with her fearlessness and innovative style.  Sometimes it seems like she can read Nintendo fans’ minds and make the figures we want but nobody else has stepped up to the plate and tried to deliver.  If you’re interested in any of these custom Amiibo, please check out her Etsy page and follow her on social media by using the links below.  Remember you may order a custom Amiibo and she will supply the Amiibo or you can send her one and potentially save a little bit of money which might be helpful for those on a budget.  To keep custom Amiibo going, the artists need our support (assuming you have the means to do so) and if nothing else, let them know we appreciate their work!

AKShop08’s Etsy Store

AKShop08’s Twitter Page

I hope you enjoyed this look into the custom Amiibo world and please let us know which of these custom Amiibo are your favorite and why in the comments below!


  1. That K. Rool… makes me drool. I wish K. Rool was in Smash, but I’m glad AKShop08 covered that lovely custom amiibo! I also approve of Deadpoolchu. Thanks for sharing these! They’re wonderful! AKShop08 is doing wonderful stuff!

    Liked by 2 people

    • King K. Rool is my favorite too! That is one custom I definitely thinking about adding to my collection! She really is an incredible artist! You’re welcome and thank you for being a loyal reader 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve seen lots of her epic customs on the Amiibo reddit page. Quite a talented artist. Cubone and K. Rool are my favourites.

    On a side note, my Monster Hunter Generations Wave 1 Amiibo are waiting for me at my post office right now. I can’t wait to go pick them up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • There are some great custom Amiibo that get posted on Reddit and I started doing articles like this for anybody who doesn’t get a chance to see those. I really liked those two custom Amiibo too!

      That is really exciting! I hope Monster Hunter Amiibo are awesome and I look forward to seeing you post about them on your site! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my goodness… I love that K. Rool one! He is my favorite villain ever, haha! I would love to see another DKC with him and the rest of the Kremlings, even though I know it won’t happen… though I do love the direction Retro took with the series 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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